Returns- BTWW and UCLA X
After an interesting period of adjustment for the summer, I was able to return home in September for what turned out to be a grueling 3 weeks to contribute efforts to the team by taking up producer duties for Better Than We Wey! as be brought back Tom, Dick and Harry. I reprised my role as Linda, and was able to make different choices, always supported by the most amazing team of thespians that I am privileged to share the stage with AND call my friends. Initially I hadn’t planned to act in the play as I was due to return to school before showtime but things changed rapidly and I can now look back and say that it all worked out perfectly. We were finally going to perform at the Central Bank Auditorium, the ultimate venue for farce and for this particular play as I had first envisioned it. It was literally a dream come true! Once again, we beat the odds with limited resources because we were armed with optimism and determination fueled by teamwork. It was much more difficult this time for me in the producer shoes but I am eternally awed by the team. It is because of them that I find the wherewithal to execute my duties and deliver without embarrassing myself lol. It was a truly magical experience, with ups and downs and a satisfying end like every good entertainment experience. I ignored the fact that this would be taking me back to LA 2 weeks late for my second quarter, as I was confident that I could catch up when I got back. First day of school is always going round the class asking where people are from and why they are there in any event. My last days at home were what I envision the life of a celebrity to be like, minus the first class tickets and limo – basically hard work! I worked nonstop for 3 weeks with all kinds of emotional and physical demands, performed for 3 consecutive nights and then was on a plane early the next morning for a full day of air travel. If it sounds exhausting, then you would not judge me when you hear that I basically slept for a week immediately after (so…. 3 weeks late for school 🙂 BUT it was totally worth it. I got back to a new address, new classes, new part-time job on campus and was completely disoriented for about 2weeks. I chose not to be too hard on myself though, I had done a lot to be proud of recently so not getting into a true groove on my return was something that I opted to find peace with. October soon became November and now I stand ready to close down the second leg of my academic relay in LA. Honestly, I was challenged by my lack of stimulation and the rhythm that I never truly fell into this quarter, yet I remained grateful for the opportunities and still knew confidently that it was exactly where I needed to be. I write this now having had my very first American Thanksgiving and it was just like my birthday a few weeks earlier, quiet, reflective and filled with gratitude. I’ve had lots of stresses and anxieties but none have overcome me so I think I have lots to be thankful for and was reminded this weekend. Having sales all around you doesn’t hurt either lol.